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- !AI()
- !Event(i, i, s) // id, importance - {0-OPTIONAL ,1-CRITICAL} , class of event
- !Goal(i,s) // id, class of goal
- !Action(s,i) // class of Action, atomic {0 - breakable, 1 - unbreakable}
- !pP(f) // influence of distance from valid position
- !pP_defense(f)
- !pP_center(f)
- !pP_attack(f)
- !pB(f) // accessibility
- !pB_defense(f)
- !pB_center(f)
- !pB_attack(f)
- !pS(f) // influence of situation
- !pS_defense(f)
- !pS_center(f)
- !pS_attack(f)
- !pSN(f) // influence of new estimated situation
- !pSN_defense(f)
- !pSN_center(f)
- !pSN_attack(f)
- !pD(f) // distance from opponent gate
- !pD_defense(f)
- !pD_center(f)
- !pD_attack(f)
- // for Strategy
- //for regular player
- !pS(f)
- !pSw(f)
- !pSp(f)
- //for goalkeeper
- !pS_gk(f)
- !pSw_gk(f)
- !pSp_gk(f)
- !pGateDistance(f)
- !pAccess(f)
- !pAngle(f)
- !AIThink(i)
- !MaxGoalChangeDiff(f)
- !MaxSituationAnotherPlayerDiff(f)
- !MaxSituationAnotherPlaceDiff(f)
- !MaxSituationDiff(f)
- !MaxValidPosDist(f)
- !MaxValidPosDistGK(f)
- !MinChangeValidPosDiff(f)
- !MinChangeValidPosDiffGK(f)
- !ValidPosTolerance(f)
- !ValidPosToleranceGK(f)
- !MinDefenderValidPosScope(f)
- !MaxDefenderValidPosScope(f)
- !MinValidPosScope(f)
- !MaxValidPosScope(f)
- //!ValidPosToleranceRough(f)
- !MinGoalsDiff(f)
- !MinDistFBallers(f)
- !AcitiveDistFBallers(f)
- !ActiveDistForGorilla(f)
- !DestPosTolerance(f)
- !RestoreDistance(f)
- !LookingTime(f)
- !FreeTime(f)
- !MinDistToChangeActive(f)
- !AttackDestChange(f)
- !MinForwardToNear(f)
- !GoalKeeperDistGate(f)
- !GoalKeeperStrafeSpeed(f)
- !FocusInteria(f)
- !FreeBallCapture(f)
- !GKChangeRunToValidPos(f)
- !FreedomRadius(f)
- !AccessRadius(f)
- !AccesDistInfluence(f)
- !MinPassAcces(f)
- !MinPassForwardDist(f)
- !PassChanceTime(f)
- !GateDistRadius(f)
- !FreedomBackwardDec(f)
- !ShotOpportunity(f)
- !ForwardToOppAngle(f)
- !FeintDist(f)
- !NewPosDist(f)
- !FeintChance_GK(f)
- !SpeedWithBall(f)
- !PassPrecision(f)
- !PerfectPrecisionDist(f)
- !BreakSpecialBallTime(f)
- !StabilizationWithDelay(f)
- !MinDistToChangeFocus(f)
- !DownDefence(f)
- !UpDefence(f)
- !ThrowDefence(f)
- !ThrowScope(f)
- !UpScope(f)
- !DefenceDelayDiff(f)
- !DefenceWithoutDelay(f)
- !SituationCalcGrain(f)
- !ReceiveRadius(f)
- !RecieveScopeUp(f)
- !ReceiveDown(f)
- !ReceiveBrust(f)
- !ReceiveHead(f)
- !KickForwardByHead(f)
- !MaxShotByHeadDist(f)
- !HeadKeyDistance(f)
- !AttackKickStength(f)
- !MaxPrecisionDist(f)
- !BlockControlTime(f)
- !AIforFocusTime(f)
- !ShortPassSpeed(f)
- !MiddlePassSpeed(f)
- !LongPassSpeed(f)
- !LastTimeKey_A(f)
- !MaxPassDirAngle(f)
- !MaxValidReferee(f)
- !SpecialBallScope(f)
- !FBSpeed(f)
- !ShortPassDelay(f)
- !MiddlePassDelay(f)
- !LongPassDelay(f)
- !GKOutDist(f)
- !SuperDefenceTime(f)
- !SuperFeintTime(f)
- !SuperSpeedTime(f)
- !SuperSpeed(f)
- !SuperShotTime(f)
- !AttackInteria_level_1(f)
- !AttackInteria_level_2(f)
- !AttackInteria_level_3(f)
- !AttackInteria_level_4(f)
- !AttackInteria_level_5(f)
- !AttackInteria_level_6(f)
- !AttackInteria_level_7(f)
- !FreeBallInteria_level_1(f)
- !FreeBallInteria_level_2(f)
- !FreeBallInteria_level_3(f)
- !FreeBallInteria_level_4(f)
- !FreeBallInteria_level_5(f)
- !FreeBallInteria_level_6(f)
- !FreeBallInteria_level_7(f)
- !BallTakenInteria_level_1(f)
- !BallTakenInteria_level_2(f)
- !BallTakenInteria_level_3(f)
- !BallTakenInteria_level_4(f)
- !BallTakenInteria_level_5(f)
- !BallTakenInteria_level_6(f)
- !BallTakenInteria_level_7(f)
- !FeintChance_level_1(f)
- !FeintChance_level_2(f)
- !FeintChance_level_3(f)
- !FeintChance_level_4(f)
- !FeintChance_level_5(f)
- !FeintChance_level_6(f)
- !FeintChance_level_7(f)
- !FeintChance_level_1_AI(f)
- !FeintChance_level_2_AI(f)
- !FeintChance_level_3_AI(f)
- !FeintChance_level_4_AI(f)
- !FeintChance_level_5_AI(f)
- !FeintChance_level_6_AI(f)
- !FeintChance_level_7_AI(f)
- !SuperUpgradeTime_level_1(f)
- !SuperUpgradeTime_level_2(f)
- !SuperUpgradeTime_level_3(f)
- !SuperUpgradeTime_level_4(f)
- !SuperUpgradeTime_level_5(f)
- !SuperUpgradeTime_level_6(f)
- !SuperUpgradeTime_level_7(f)
- !PassChoiceCoef_level_1(f)
- !PassChoiceCoef_level_2(f)
- !PassChoiceCoef_level_3(f)
- !PassChoiceCoef_level_4(f)
- !PassChoiceCoef_level_5(f)
- !PassChoiceCoef_level_6(f)
- !PassChoiceCoef_level_7(f)
- !ValidPosDeviation_level_1(f)
- !ValidPosDeviation_level_2(f)
- !ValidPosDeviation_level_3(f)
- !ValidPosDeviation_level_4(f)
- !ValidPosDeviation_level_5(f)
- !ValidPosDeviation_level_6(f)
- !ValidPosDeviation_level_7(f)
- !ShotOpportunity_level_1(f)
- !ShotOpportunity_level_2(f)
- !ShotOpportunity_level_3(f)
- !ShotOpportunity_level_4(f)
- !ShotOpportunity_level_5(f)
- !ShotOpportunity_level_6(f)
- !ShotOpportunity_level_7(f)
- !MaxShotDeviation_level_1(f)
- !MaxShotDeviation_level_2(f)
- !MaxShotDeviation_level_3(f)
- !MaxShotDeviation_level_4(f)
- !MaxShotDeviation_level_5(f)
- !MaxShotDeviation_level_6(f)
- !MaxShotDeviation_level_7(f)
- !GKNoticeTime_level_1(f)
- !GKNoticeTime_level_2(f)
- !GKNoticeTime_level_3(f)
- !GKNoticeTime_level_4(f)
- !GKNoticeTime_level_5(f)
- !GKNoticeTime_level_6(f)
- !GKNoticeTime_level_7(f)
- !Turn_left(i,i,i,i) // r,l,u,d
- !Pass_l(i)
- !Shot_l(i)
- !Feint_l(i)
- !Super_l(i)
- !Turn_right(i,i,i,i) // r,l,u,d
- !Pass_r(i)
- !Shot_r(i)
- !Feint_r(i)
- !Super_r(i)
- !FadingTime(f)
- AI()
- {
- Event(0,1,"EventDistance") // EVENT_DISTANCE
- Event(1,0, "EventValidPos") // EVENT_VALID_POS
- Event(2,0, "EventBallToCatch") // BALL_TO_CATCH
- Event(3,1, "EventOutside") // EVENT_OUTSIDE
- Event(4,1, "EventGetBall") // EVENT_GET_BALL
- Event(5,1, "EventOpponentGetBall") // EVENT_OPPONENT_GET_BALL
- Event(6,1, "EventActiveDistance") // EVENT_ACTIVE_DISTANCE
- Event(7,1, "EventBallTaken") // EVENT_BALL_TAKEN
- Event(8,1, "EventPassChance") // EVENT_PASS_CHANCE
- Event(9,1, "EventShotChance") // EVENT_SHOT_CHANCE
- Event(10,1, "EventEndFeint") // EVENT_END_FEINT
- Event(11,1, "EventReact") // EVENT_REACT
- Event(12,1, "EventBestPos") // EVENT_BEST_POS
- Event(13,1, "EventShot") // EVENT_SHOT
- Event(14,1, "EventBallToReceive") // EVENT_BALL_TO_RECEIVE
- Event(15,1, "EventCrowd") // EVENT_CROWD
- Event(16,1, "EventStabilization") // EVENT_STABILIZATION
- Event(17,1, "EventCollision") // EVENT_COLLISION
- Event(18,1, "EventPosToReach") // EVENT_POS_TO_REACHED
- Event(19,1, "EventSpecialBall") // EVENT_SPECIAL_BALL
- Event(20,1, "EventSignReferee") // EVENT_SIGN_REFEREE
- Event(21,1, "EventFreeTime") // EVENT_FREE_TIME
- Event(22,1, "EventKick") // EVENT_KICK
- Event(23,1, "EventBend") //EVENT_BEND
- Event(24,1, "EventTestPos") //EVENT_BEND
- Event(24,1, "EventTestPos") //EVENT_BEND
- Goal(0, "GoalRestoreDistance") //RESTORE_DISTANCE
- {
- pB(0.05)
- Action("ActionRestoreDistance", 0)
- }
- Goal(1, "GoalStop") // STOP
- {
- Action("StopAction", 0)
- }
- Goal(2, "GoalValidPos") // VALID_POS
- {
- Action("ActionValidPos", 0)
- }
- Goal(3, "GoalGoToBall") // GO_TO_BALL
- {
- Action("ActionGoToBall", 0)
- }
- Goal(4, "GoalBackInside") //BACK_INSIDE
- {
- Action("ActionBackInside", 0)
- }
- Goal(5, "GoalLooking") //LOOKING
- {
- Action("ActionLooking", 0)
- }
- Goal(6, "GoalPass") //PASS
- {
- pS(1)
- Action("ActionPass", 0)
- }
- Goal(7, "GoalForward") //FORWARD
- {
- pD(1)
- Action("ActionForward", 0)
- }
- Goal(8, "GoalShot") //SHOT
- {
- pD_attack(0.5)
- pS_attack(0.5)
- /* pD_center(0.1) //0.5
- pS_center(0.2) //0.5*/
- Action("ActionShot", 0)
- }
- Goal(9, "GoalGoToOpponent") //GO_TO_OPPONENT
- {
- Action("ActionGoToOpponent", 0)
- }
- Goal(10, "GoalTakeBall") //TAKE_BALL
- {
- Action("ActionTakeBall", 0)
- }
- Goal(11, "GoalReactBallTaken") //REACT_BALL_TAKEN
- {
- Action("ActionReactBallTaken", 0)
- }
- Goal(12, "GoalGoToFeint") //GO_TO_FEINT
- {
- pS(1)
- Action("ActionGoToFeint", 0)
- }
- Goal(13, "GoalFeint") //FEINT
- {
- Action("ActionFeint", 0)
- }
- Goal(14, "GoalEndFeint") //END_FEINT
- {
- Action("ActionEndFeint", 0)
- }
- Goal(15, "GoalReact") //REACT
- {
- Action("ActionReact", 0)
- }
- Goal(16, "GoalGoToBest") //GO_TO_BEST
- {
- Action("ActionGoToBest", 0)
- }
- Goal(17, "GoalDefence") //DEFENCE
- {
- Action("ActionDefence", 0)
- }
- Goal(18, "GoalReceiveBall") //RECEIVE_BALL
- {
- Action("ActionReceiveBall", 0)
- }
- Goal(19, "GoalAvoidCrowd") //AVOID_CROWD
- {
- Action("ActionAvoidCrowd", 0)
- }
- Goal(20, "GoalStabilization") //STABILIZATION
- {
- Action("ActionStabilization", 0)
- }
- Goal(21, "GoalAvoidCollision") //STABILIZATION
- {
- Action("ActionAvoidCollision", 0)
- }
- Goal(22, "GoalGoToSpecialBall") //GO_TO_POS
- {
- Action("ActionGoToPos", 0)
- }
- Goal(23, "GoalSpecialBall") //GO_SPECIAL_BALL
- {
- Action("ActionSpecialBall", 0)
- }
- Goal(24, "GoalReceiveBallReferee") //RECEIVE_BALL_REFEREE
- {
- Action("ActionReceiveBallReferee", 0)
- }
- Goal(25, "GoalSignReferee") //SIGN_REFEREE
- {
- Action("ActionSignReferee", 0)
- }
- Goal(26, "GoalFreeTime") //FREE_TIME
- {
- Action("ActionFreeTime", 0)
- }
- Goal(27, "GoalKick") //KICK
- {
- Action("ActionKick", 0)
- }
- Goal(28, "GoalBend") //BEND
- {
- Action("ActionBend", 0)
- }
- Goal(29, "GoalTestPos") //BEND
- {
- Action("ActionTestPos", 0)
- }
- pSw(0.5) //0.7
- pSp(0.5) //0.3
- pGateDistance(1.5) // 1
- pAccess(0.5)
- pAngle(0)
- MinChangeValidPosDiff(100)
- MinChangeValidPosDiffGK(10)
- MaxValidPosDist(100)
- MaxValidPosDistGK(70)
- ValidPosTolerance(40)
- ValidPosToleranceGK(20)
- MinDistToChangeActive(100)
- AttackDestChange(100)
- GoalKeeperDistGate(150)
- GoalKeeperStrafeSpeed(120)
- FocusInteria(0.3)
- // FreeBallCapture(5)
- GKChangeRunToValidPos(200)
- // ------------------
- AIThink(1)
- MinDistFBallers(300)
- AcitiveDistFBallers(170)
- ActiveDistForGorilla(170)
- RestoreDistance(400)
- MinDefenderValidPosScope(800)
- MaxDefenderValidPosScope(1400) //1000
- MinValidPosScope(300)
- MaxValidPosScope(2400)
- DestPosTolerance(10)
- LookingTime(2)
- MaxSituationAnotherPlayerDiff(0.3)
- MaxSituationAnotherPlaceDiff(0.3)
- FreedomRadius(600)
- GateDistRadius(2500)
- FreedomBackwardDec(1.5)
- AccessRadius(100)
- MinPassAcces(0.5)
- MinPassForwardDist(-500)
- ShotOpportunity(0.7)
- PassChanceTime(1)
- ForwardToOppAngle(90)
- FeintDist(200)
- NewPosDist(401)
- FeintChance_GK(100)
- SpeedWithBall(350)
- // PassPrecision(2)
- PerfectPrecisionDist(500)
- DownDefence(50)
- UpDefence(20) //50
- ThrowDefence(30) //30
- ThrowScope(350)
- UpScope(300)
- DefenceDelayDiff(5000)
- DefenceWithoutDelay(1000)
- SituationCalcGrain(0.1)
- ReceiveRadius(30)
- RecieveScopeUp(40)
- ReceiveDown(-50)
- ReceiveBrust(0)
- ReceiveHead(20)
- KickForwardByHead(400)
- MaxShotByHeadDist(1200)
- HeadKeyDistance(300)
- AttackKickStength(250)
- MaxPrecisionDist(300)
- BlockControlTime(1.5)
- AIforFocusTime(5)
- ShortPassSpeed(800) //900
- MiddlePassSpeed(1200) //1200
- LongPassSpeed(1500) //1400 // 1300
- LastTimeKey_A(0.7)
- MaxPassDirAngle(30)
- MaxValidReferee(2000)
- SpecialBallScope(2500)
- FBSpeed(420)
- ShortPassDelay(80) //
- MiddlePassDelay(60) //100 //200
- LongPassDelay(110) //130 //230
- GKOutDist(250)
- SuperDefenceTime(10)
- SuperFeintTime(10)
- SuperSpeedTime(8)
- SuperSpeed(900)
- SuperShotTime(1.5)
- Turn_right(37,35,22,50) // r,l,u,d
- Pass_r(36)
- Shot_r(24)
- Feint_r(25)
- FadingTime(1)
- AttackInteria_level_1(1.4)
- AttackInteria_level_2(1.1)
- AttackInteria_level_3(0.8)
- AttackInteria_level_4(0.7)
- AttackInteria_level_5(0.6)
- AttackInteria_level_6(0.45)
- AttackInteria_level_7(0.45)
- FreeBallInteria_level_1(1.4)
- FreeBallInteria_level_2(1.1)
- FreeBallInteria_level_3(0.8)
- FreeBallInteria_level_4(0.7)
- FreeBallInteria_level_5(0.5)
- FreeBallInteria_level_6(0.4)
- FreeBallInteria_level_7(0.25)
- BallTakenInteria_level_1(1.3)
- BallTakenInteria_level_2(1.2)
- BallTakenInteria_level_3(0.7)
- BallTakenInteria_level_4(0.7)
- BallTakenInteria_level_5(0.7)
- BallTakenInteria_level_6(0.6)
- BallTakenInteria_level_7(0.6)
- FeintChance_level_1(99)
- FeintChance_level_2(90)
- FeintChance_level_3(80)
- FeintChance_level_4(70)
- FeintChance_level_5(50)
- FeintChance_level_6(50)
- FeintChance_level_7(40)
- FeintChance_level_1_AI(1)
- FeintChance_level_2_AI(20)
- FeintChance_level_3_AI(30)
- FeintChance_level_4_AI(40)
- FeintChance_level_5_AI(50)
- FeintChance_level_6_AI(60)
- FeintChance_level_7_AI(70)
- SuperUpgradeTime_level_1(6)
- SuperUpgradeTime_level_2(6)
- SuperUpgradeTime_level_3(6)
- SuperUpgradeTime_level_4(6)
- SuperUpgradeTime_level_5(6)
- SuperUpgradeTime_level_6(6)
- SuperUpgradeTime_level_7(6)
- PassChoiceCoef_level_1(0.1)
- PassChoiceCoef_level_2(0.3)
- PassChoiceCoef_level_3(0.5)
- PassChoiceCoef_level_4(0.7)
- PassChoiceCoef_level_5(0.7)
- PassChoiceCoef_level_6(0.9)
- PassChoiceCoef_level_7(1.2)
- ValidPosDeviation_level_1(400)
- ValidPosDeviation_level_2(350)
- ValidPosDeviation_level_3(325)
- ValidPosDeviation_level_4(300)
- ValidPosDeviation_level_5(250)
- ValidPosDeviation_level_6(200)
- ValidPosDeviation_level_7(150)
- ShotOpportunity_level_1(0.9)
- ShotOpportunity_level_2(0.8)
- ShotOpportunity_level_3(0.7)
- ShotOpportunity_level_4(0.65)
- ShotOpportunity_level_5(0.6)
- ShotOpportunity_level_6(0.6)
- ShotOpportunity_level_7(0.6)
- MaxShotDeviation_level_1(0.9)
- MaxShotDeviation_level_2(0.7)
- MaxShotDeviation_level_3(0.7)
- MaxShotDeviation_level_4(0.6)
- MaxShotDeviation_level_5(0.6)
- MaxShotDeviation_level_6(0.6)
- MaxShotDeviation_level_7(0.6)
- GKNoticeTime_level_1(0.9)
- GKNoticeTime_level_2(0.7)
- GKNoticeTime_level_3(0.5)
- GKNoticeTime_level_4(0.3)
- GKNoticeTime_level_5(0.0)
- GKNoticeTime_level_6(0.0)
- GKNoticeTime_level_7(0.0)
- //-----------
- FreeTime(3)
- BreakSpecialBallTime(2)
- MinForwardToNear(0.4)
- PassPrecision(1000)
- StabilizationWithDelay(1)
- MinDistToChangeFocus(1000)
- }